Elements of Journalism and Challenges Journalists

Elements of Journalism and Challenges Journalists Face Description 1. Select then define three of the following elements of journalism:

Elements of Journalism and Challenges Journalists
Elements of Journalism and Challenges Journalists

– Journalism’s first obligation is to the truth – Its first loyalty is to citizens – Its essence is a discipline of verification – Its practitioners must maintain independence from those they cover – It must serve as a monitor of power – It must provide a form of public criticism and compromise – It must strive to make the significant interesting and relevant – It must present the news in a way that is comprehensive and proportional – Its practitioners have an obligation to exercise their personal conscience – Citizens have rights and responsibilities when it comes to the news as well-even more as they become producers and editors themselves 2. Use two current news events (within the last 6 months) to illustrate and support your argument for why these are the biggest challenges facing journalists today 3. Attribute all information to the source(s) it comes from.

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