End of Class Good Essay Reflection on Experience

End of Class Good Essay Reflection on Experience A good reflection essay narrates your experience in the first-person, active voice of your experience participating in this course in multiple paragraphs.

End of Class Good Essay Reflection on Experience
End of Class Good Essay Reflection on Experience

Some suggestions (you are allowed to get creative) on the content of the paragraphs include the following.

1) Concepts that you learned that was interesting (do top three utmost). Why were they interesting? Did the learning challenge what you assumed to be conventional wisdom?

2) Class exercises or assignments or interviews that required critical thinking

3) How did your idea of the following concepts related to entrepreneurship change after this course?

  1. The business idea
  2. Monetary capital requirements
  3. Customer validation
  4. Failures
  5. Co-founders and equity splitting

4) Your frustrations with the course and some changes would you recommend the next time this is offered

5) Finally, was there any item/skill that you learned from this class that you were able to transfer to other classes or other spheres of your life?

Reflect, reflect, reflect! Draw from the textbook(s), a field trip to 1871, guest lectures, class discussion, interviews and presentations as needed. Please do not write just to impress the reader but try to be authentic. There are no right answers to these questions. Last, but not the least, enjoy the reflection!

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