Equality for Women and the Authority of Scripture

Equality for Women and the Authority of Scripture The term paper: may be on any one of the following topics. I will also entertain student suggestions for term paper topics.

Equality for Women and the Authority of Scripture
Equality for Women and the Authority of Scripture

Pick a Topic

The bioethics debate around sexual morality: roles of genetics and reason.

The coming of modern democracy as the harbinger of changing sexual morality.

How artistic and popular culture portrayal of female divinity figures influence our understanding of gender relations.

Equality for women and the authority of scripture. (Focus on a particular religion.)

Christian theology and the quest for women’s equality.

The ends of sex in ______ and _______ (choose two well -known religious thinkers who have written extensively on the topic).

LGBTQ members and ministers: analyze the current state of acceptance in two Christian denominations.

Equality for Women and the Authority of Scripture Judaism and homosexuality.

Islam: identifying the barriers to women’s religious, familial and social equality. (Best choose a particular Muslim nation or it can get too complicated.

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