Equity Investment Analysis to the Financial Statements

Equity Investment Analysis to the Financial Statements. Equity Investment Analysis on Notes to the Financial Statements• Locate the notes to the financial statements.
• Did you identify any investments in other entities?
• If so, are they accounted for under the cost method, the equity method, or consolidation?

Equity Investment Analysis to the Financial Statements
the cost method

• Are they significant to the overall entity’s financial statements?
• Identify which additional notes the company has in their Form 10-K.
• In addition to the notes that you analyzed related to fixed assets, goodwill, and debt, what other notes did you find significant in your analysis of the company?
• What additional disclosures would have been helpful in your evaluation of the company’s financial health?
• Based on your additional analysis of the company, how has your evaluation of the company’s financial health changed since your analysis during Week 4?

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