Ethics Does life have Meaning by Richard Taylor The meaning of Life Richard Taylor
Answer these questions:

(a) Explain and defend in detail the author’s central argument.
What main point is the author arguing for?
How are they arguing for it?
Which ethical theory (utilitarianism, Kant, virtue ethics, etc.) is the author basing their position on?
How can you tell?
(b) Spell out in detail a coherent, focused counterargument to the author’s position.
(c) Then tell me your own position on the author’s position — is he/she
right? Wrong? Why in detail? As it is very important for virtue ethics that human beings have some sort of purpose, I thought that this article might, therefore, help in getting a conception of what that purpose might be. Moreover, because Richard Taylor is a virtue ethicist, it would seem that his account of human purpose would be very relevant in my study.