Ethics Friendship and Chronicles of Narnia In your FRP you need to choose a book/movie/play/TV show/etc. and analyze it from the perspective of these issues:

Ethics Friendship and Chronicles of Narnia
- Why did you choose this book/movie/play/TV show/etc.?
- What specifically in relation to friendship you found appealing in it? Why did you find it appealing?
- How would you assess this friendship’s moral dimension? In particular what evil obstacles does it overcome in its unfolding and formation? * (see alternative D if the friendship failed to overcome these evil obstacles)
- Is it possible to view friendship in the book/movie/play/TV show/etc. of your choice as containing a spiritual component? How so?
- What impact on your friendship analysis of the book/movie/play/TV show/etc. has on your personal friendship?
- Would you recommend this book/movie/play/TV show/etc. to your friends to read?
Ethics Friendship and Chronicles of Narnia
*D. Why does friendship fail to overcome evil obstacles? Why can they be so damn powerful and how it could have overcome them?
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