Evaluating Vision and Mission Statements at Pepsi Co

Evaluating Vision and Mission Statements at Pepsi Co
Evaluating Vision and Mission Statements       at Pepsi Co

Evaluating Vision and Mission Statements at Pepsi Co

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CASE STUDY ((Evaluating Vision and Mission Statements at Pepsi Co))

Consider the mission and vision statements for Pepsi Co (http://www.pepsico.com/Company.html) and then answer the questions included below:

1)Evaluate the mission and vision statements of Pepsi co against the theoretical purpose of such statements.

2)How effective are they in linking strategy with individual performance?

3)We can argue, with important support, that the mission and vision statement of a firm should be linked to individual performance. How do we get from a mission and vision statement to individual performance?

4)To what extent are the mission and vision statements developed using the environment, the managerial philosophy of the firm, the public image sought by the organization and/or the self-concept of business adopted by the leadership and stockholders? Is culture an influencer?


1)The answer must raise appropriate critical questions.

2)Do include all your references, as per the Harvard Referencing System,

3)Please don’t use Wikipedia web site.

4) I need examples from peer reviewed articles or researches.

5)Turnitin.com copy percentage must be 10% or less.

Appreciate each single moment you spend in writing my paper

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Pepsi Co is one of the leading brand names within the soft drinks industry operating in Australia. The company’s has expanded its products into international markets such as the United States of America, Japan, and Eastern Europe among other states. Pepsi Co in its pursuit for penetration into different markets with different products and brands has begun the process of acquiring fast-food joints such as Kentucky Fried Chicken, Taco Bell, and Pizza Hut (Gjurovikj, Pp. 482-488, 2013). These restaurants are being used by this company to capture clients and influence them into drinking the company’s beverages.

This paper therefore seeks to undertake a study on this company’s vision and mission statements and how this apparatus relate to the theoretical functions and purposes of the company. Also effective will be how the company links its strategy with the performances of individuals and how the company gets its vision statement into a developed state that links the environment and other aspects of the organization.

Pepsi Co’s Mission and Vision Statement against its theoretical purpose

Pepsi Co’s mission statement involves its approaches that are geared towards increasing the value of its shareholders investments through sales growth, wise investment of its resources and cost controls (Gjurovikj, Pp. 482-488, 2013). The company also believes in the fact that it core success lies upon offering value and quality to its customers and consumers by providing products that are wholesome, safe, efficient, economical, and environmentally sound through a fair return to its investors while also ensuring that the safety standards and integrity are strictly adhered to wholistically.

The company in its mission and vision statement categorically focuses and pursues avenues of not only achieving profits and success, but also considers the welfare of its company’s stakeholders and its end consumers (Matwiejczuk, Pp. 265-275, 2013). It is imperative to also realize that the company links its mission and vision statements into its achievements that can be gained through their sales growth, wise investment, and through the control of costs. The vision and mission statements of this company therefore define its nature as well as what it stands for, a factor that gives the authentic image of its operation in achieving its purposes in the market.

Linking the Companies Strategy with Individual Performance

Pepsi Co companies strategy as indicated in their mission and vision statements is not only in achieving and making goals like to maximize on their profits and improving services for its people but one that motivates its staff in understanding the companies mission and vision. Through this, the staff members are motivated to get involved in achieving the set goals in a collective approach that incorporates all the individual performances into achieving targets (Matwiejczuk, Pp. 265-275, 2013). In pursing the mission and visions of the company, there has to be individual performances incorporated. For instance, when PepsiCo decides to achieve an increase in its market share by 10% on its products, it can quickly think of using advertisements, exports of its products to other markets, promotions, the improvement of the quality of its brands and reducing the prices of its beverages. However, when the staffs who act as the individual performers are not involved in this process, the company is likely to face hitches in its initiatives however how good strategies they have.


Visions and Mission Statements into Individual Performance

It is significant to realize that before an organization the like of Pepsi Co’s mission and vision statements can have an impact on an individual performance, it is vital that the companies employees embrace the values that the organization upholds with the aim of making them understand their employee mission and treat it as integral within the business (‘Pepsi Co Case Study’ Pp. 1-5, 2007). By just publishing some feel-good statements in the name of a mission and vision statement on the employee’s handbooks does not necessarily infer that the employees have understood the essence of the companies’ mission.

It is critical that employees take the ownership of the mission and vision statements as it is their own and that describes their job description, a factor that makes it simpler to communicate and conduct the mission of the organization in every sphere of the employee’s responsibilities (Sarmiento, Shukla, & Izar-Landeta, Pp. 64-76, 2013). In the event that a company desires to achieve success in its processes, they should develop employee mission and vision statements and communicate them accordingly in order to affect their individual performances and standards. The mission and vision statement have the impact of affecting the performance of individuals since they act as performance standards. In order to determine individual performances and how the mission and vision affects then, it is important that the employees of a company quantify the missions and visions of a company.

The Extent in which the Mission and Vision Statements are Developed

The mission and vision statements of Pepsi Co are developed through the use of environment and some other key functions on the corporate responsibility levels. In this account, the company pursues and maximizes on the potential market opportunities that open doors for it, a factor that forces the company to reflect on ways on reaching such markets (Sipek, Pp. 22-25 2015). The company has showed commitment to social responsibilities through developing a mission that supports sustainability, in delivering growth by investing in a future that is health by protecting the environment.

The company for instance has launched recycling machines which recycles waste products in different areas such as kiosks, gas stations, public parks, stadiums and so on. This is in line with the advancements the company makes in the participating in Corporate Social Responsibility. Culture also plays a role in influencing the company’s ethical position. This infers to the manner in which people manage, behave and think in approaching their businesses daily. The company’s operations are therefore affected by this mores and norms


Pepsi Co today is considered a leading brand name within the soft drinks industry operating in Australia. The company’s has expanded its products into international markets such as the United States of America, Japan, and Eastern Europe among other states. Pepsi Co’s mission statement involves its approaches that are geared towards increasing the value of its shareholders investments through sales growth, wise investment of its resources and cost controls (Zenger, Pp. 52-58, 2013).

The company in its mission and vision statement categorically focuses and pursues avenues of not only achieving profits and success, but also considers the welfare of its company’s stakeholders and its end consumers. Pepsi Co companies strategy as indicated in their mission and vision statements is not only in achieving and making goals like to maximize on their profits and improving services for its people but one that motivates its staff in understanding the companies mission and vision. It is therefore significant to realize that the functions and operations of the company are guided by its mission and vision statements.


Gjurovikj, Ab 2013, ‘Knowledge Management As A Competitive Advantage Of Contemporary Companies’, Proceedings Of The International Conference On Intellectual Capital, Knowledge Management & Organizational Learning, Pp. 482-488,

Matwiejczuk, R 2013, ‘Logistics Potentials in Business Competitive Advantage Creation’, Log Forum, 9, 4, Pp. 265-275,

‘PepsiCo Case Study’ 2007, PepsiCo Case Study: Taking Advantage Of Changing Market Conditions, Pp. 1-5,

Rowan, C 2013, ‘The World’s Top 100 Food & Beverage Companies: Repositioning For A New Global Environment’, Food Engineering, 85, 9, Pp. 64-76,

Sarmiento, R, Shukla, V, & Izar-Landeta, J 2013, ‘Performance Improvements Seen Through The Lens of Strategic Trade-Offs’, International Journal of Production Research, 51, 15, Pp. 4682-4694,

Sipek, S 2015, ‘A Global Vision: Leading PepsiCo’s Learning Evolution. (Cover Story)’, Chief Learning Officer, 14, 3, Pp. 22-25,

Zenger, T 2013, ‘Strategy: The Uniqueness Challenge’, Harvard Business Review, 91, 11, Pp. 52-58,

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