Evaluation in Public Health Research

Evaluation in Public Health Research
Evaluation in Public Health Research

Evaluation in Public Health Research

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The Evaluation Process

The CDC notes how program evaluation can be used to plan effective health interventions, improve existing programs, and demonstrate “the results of resource investments,” (CDC, 2001). In order to know what is working, it is essential to conduct an evaluation of a program, recognizing that different forms of evaluation provide different information. The readings this week discuss formative, process, and outcome evaluation and what each of these addresses. Each form of evaluation provides stakeholders and researchers with different information and are conducted at varying times throughout a program’s planning and implementation.

Post by Day 4 your response to the following:

Compare and contrast formative evaluation, process evaluation, and outcome evaluation in public health research and when each type of evaluation is most appropriate.

Describe how the results of an evaluation influence decision making in public health.


Evaluation in Public Health Research

Three types of evaluations can be used in public health research. Developmental or formative evaluation aims at ensuring that a program’s implementation is optimized to achieve success  (Valente, 2002). Process evaluation is essential when assessing the context and course of a program. Finally, the impact or outcome evaluation is used when making attempts to attribute transformations in high-level outcomes (negative and positive, unintended and intended) to a certain intervention or program.

Formative evaluation aims at ensuring that a program is well-developed and well-formed. This is achieved through the use of information gathering methods and organizational development methods. The evaluation assessed the progress of program implementation and planning and if there are any challenges (Valente, 2002). Areas that are assessed include needs assessment, stakeholder consultation, collaborative group processes, and reviewing past experience and research literature. Unlike outcome evaluation, process evaluation focus on the achievement of high-level outcomes. Rather, it focuses on the happenings of the program’s details. Finally, outcome evaluation is very useful since it helps in determining if a program has made the intended difference.

Public health professionals are very keen on improving health. For them to attain this goal, they have to dedicate their will and skills to evaluating public health actions’ effects. The results obtained after an evaluation are very key in guiding the public health decision making process (McDavid et al., 2013). The evaluation gives an insight regarding if the project is progressing as planned. If not, decisions are made on resource redistribution, extending the period of the project, the changes that can be made so as to achieve the projected outcomes, and if more resources should be dedicated towards the course.


McDavid, J. C., Huse, I., Hawthorn, L. R. L., & McDavid, J. C. (2013). Program evaluation and performance measurement: An introduction to practice. Los Angeles: SAGE.

Valente, T. W. (2002). Evaluating Health Promotion Programs. Oxford University Press, USA.

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