Exploring Strategy Text and Cases

Exploring Strategy Text and Cases
Exploring Strategy Text and Cases

Exploring Strategy Text and Cases

“Exploring Strategy Text and Cases”, you are required to read carefully an end of chapter 13 titled “Alphabet – Who and what drives the strategy?” (Written by Phil Johnson and Patrick Regner) in order to provide answers to the below two questions:

In the textbook “Exploring Strategy Text and Cases”, you are required to read carefully and thoroughly the case at the end of chapter 13 titled “Alphabet – Who and what drives the strategy?” (Written by Phil Johnson and Patrick Regner) in order to provide answers to the below two questions:

  1. How and why can you explain today that Google decided to change from previous operations to current structure?
  2. To what extent should Google think to face growing competition in the future?

Textbook (available at ADSM library):

Johnson G., Whittington R., Scholes K., Angwin D. & RegnÈr P. (2017). Exploring Strategy: text and cases. Eleventh Edition. Pearson.

Course learning outcomes:

CLO 2: Appraise the diverse approaches and contextual factors that may influence the strategic management and organizational transformation process/outcomes.

CLO 5: Synthesize and comment critically on the strategic position of the organization.


  1. As discussed during lectures, use the seven/eight steps to solve a case study as a guide when writing your answer.
  2. Use theories, models, frameworks, tools that you need to extract from academic journals available on ProQuest and other external reliable sources to construct your argumentation.
  3. Referencing style is APA style.


A word document of five pages with 1.5 line spacing without counting front page, references list, tables and appendices.


Important Dr. wants us to follow 7 steps

7 Effective Steps to Solve Case Study

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