Fingerprinting and Casting Process for Footwear

Fingerprinting and Casting Process for Footwear and Tire Tread •As a group, address the following in 3–4 pages: ◦What is the casting process used for the footwear and tire tread impressions outside of the warehouse?

Fingerprinting and Casting Process for Footwear
Fingerprinting and Casting Process for Footwear

Explain in detail.

◾What materials will you use to lift these molds from the ground? Explain.

◾What is the process for casting these impressions and creating molds? Describe and explain in detail using a step-by-step process.

◾Briefly explain the purpose of each step.

  • Responsibilities must be divided evenly among all group members.
  • Be sure to reference all sources using APA style.

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