Fire Prevention Organization and Management Week 8 Module 4: Influences on Fire Prevention
This module section:
Economic Influences
Identify direct and indirect costs associated with fire;
Describe the level of cost of fire in deaths, injuries, and direct costs for the U.S.;

Discuss economic incentives that encourage fire prevention;
Identify factors that help explain the disparity between the high aggregate costs of fire for the nation, states, and communities, and lower perceptions of
fire risks and costs;
Identify and describe policies and programs that affect the economic trade offs between fire and prevention by lowering the costs of fire for individual
citizens, businesses, and communities.
Written Assignment: Fire Prevention Programs and Personnel Question 1)
Write a short essay on the following topics. Your essay should be two to three double-spaced pages in length. With the assistance of an experienced fire
prevention person, research the training, education, experience, and certification requirements for both fire suppression and fire prevention personnel in a
fire department with an eight- to ten-member prevention bureau. Provide an overview of the requirements for the two types of positions, and compare/contrast