First Nation Political Economy and Development

First Nation Political Economy and Development Select a specific First Nation and examine the political economy of its development over the last period.

First Nation Political Economy and Development
First Nation Political Economy and Development

Students are required to write a research paper no more than 10 double spaced (12 pt. font) pages in length (plus bibliography). A list of topics is provided below.

The paper is worth 20% of the final mark. Students will be expected to pick one topic on which to write their research paper.

The essay should be double-spaced, with standard margins and standard 12 pt. font size.

You should have at least 6-8 sources (books, journals, government reports/documents) of which at least 4 MUST be scholarly.

It is not acceptable to use the course textbooks or any other Canadian politics textbook as a major source for your research paper.

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