For this assignment, examine the structural design principles of the building where you currently live. Observe all of the construction principles (building style, method of construction, features controlling thermal conditions, etc.) related to your lesson


For this assignment, examine the structural design principles of the building where you currently live. Observe all of the construction principles (building style, method of construction, features controlling thermal conditions, etc.) related to your lessons for the building and describe them in your essay.
For the assignment, you should include details of:
• The building style and approximate date of construction
• The type of foundation system the building has
• Building features that provide load resistance
• Building features that improve energy efficiency
• Features that control air and water vapor
• Fire control and prevention techniques
• Materials used that control building acoustics
• Any sustainable materials, green construction methods, or energy-saving appliances
• Finally, include at least 10 photos of the building showing the primary structures and features

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