Foundational Information on Medical Terminology

Foundational Information on Medical Terminology You learned foundational information on medical terminology and the organization of the body.

Foundational Information on Medical Terminology
Foundational Information on Medical Terminology

In addition, medical language associated with the integumentary, skeletal, muscular, digestive, cardiovascular, blood and lymphatic, respiratory, and nervous systems was discussed.  For this written assignment, the concepts learned from Lessons 1-4 will be applied.  Please review the learning objectives for Lessons 1-4 prior to beginning work on this assignment.  Part A: Discuss word root, prefix, suffix, and combining form in relation to determining the meaning of medical terms.

Foundational Information on Medical Terminology and Explanation

Part B: Explain how the phonetically spelled pronunciation guide aids you to pronounce medical words or phrases correctly. Give at least 3 examples of medical words that would have a different meaning if pronounced incorrectly. What effect could mispronouncing these 3 words have on patients? Part C: Choose one of the major systems you learned about in Lessons 1 through 4. In your own words, describe the major organs within that system, how they work together to perform the major functions of the system, and at least 2 illnesses related to the system.

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