FRS and IFRS Financial Statement Analysis

FRS and IFRS Financial Statement Analysis IFRS Project Instructions
Financial Statement Analysis
You are to select two companies which are competitors (same SIC classifications).

FRS and IFRS Financial Statement Analysis
FRS and IFRS Financial Statement Analysis

One firm will be a publicly-traded U.S. company which reports under GAAP and the other will be a foreign competitor, also publicly-traded, which reports under IFRS.
You are to briefly describe, in your own words and citing company literature where appropriate, the companies under consideration.

FRS and IFRS Financial Statement Analysis Paper

The majority of the project is a complete ratio analysis of the two companies. You are to follow the format listed in our course textbook which is the first chapter of Subramanyan, Financial Statement Analysis.
For additional reference about the project, please consult the perfect student submission which can be found in Canvas.
You are to use the two most recent years of financial statements for your analysis.
You are to graph the common stock price for the years under consideration. Please appropriately label the source of your stock-price graph.
Finally, you are to answer the question, “Which company would be the better investment?” based upon your ratio analysis.

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