Fundamental Claim of the Catholic Religion and Theology

Fundamental Claim of the Catholic Religion and Theology Write a 1400-2000 word essay (approximately 4-5 pages, double-spaced, in 12 point font)

Fundamental Claim of the Catholic Religion and Theology
Fundamental Claim of the Catholic Religion and Theology

Explain how these texts represent the following fundamental claim of the Catholic Intellectual Tradition:

God’s presence in the world is mediated through nature and reality.

Use both of these texts:

The Book of Genesis, ch. 1-3

The Book of Exodus, ch. 19-20

State a clear, strong thesis statement(s) towards the beginning of the essay. Make sure it identifies: 1. The CIT claim for your essay and 2. The two-three texts you will discuss. In other words, tell me clearly in the first paragraph where you are going for your discussion.

It is required that you cite (see directions below) at least 4 specific passages from each text (i.e. eight total).

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