Generational Differences in the Criminal Justice Workforce

Generational Differences in the Criminal Justice Workforce
Generational Differences in the Criminal                  Justice Workforce

Generational Differences in the Criminal Justice Workforce Paper

Choose a criminal justice agency: police, courts, or corrections.

Write a 700- to 1,050-word paper describing the different generations in the workforce, focusing on approaches for managing and leading criminal justice agencies. Be sure to include the following:

  • Define management, organization, and leadership.
  • Explain the roles of a manager and leader within criminal justice.
  • Discuss the need for learning organizations in criminal justice agencies.
  • Describe and analyze the different generations in today’s changing criminal justice organization.
  • Describe the aspects of leadership and management that would be successful with different generations.

Format your paper consistent with APA guidelines.

Include at least 3 academic references, introduction and conclusion

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