Genetically Modified Food and Environment What is the research paper about?
• Your paper will be about a topic of controversy that is current, for which you can find up-to-date articles in periodical publications.

You will work with a group to find shared resources on the Internet and in the library databases, but your papers must be your own.
Genetically Modified Food and Environment Essay Guidelines
• Your essay should inform the reader about the differing viewpoints on your topic while persuading the reader that your viewpoint has more value than
opposing views.
• Your thesis should be a clear, specific statement expressing your point of view. You cannot be “neutral”.
How long does the research paper have to be?
Your final draft, double-spaced, in a plain 12 pt. font, should be approximately 5 pages (not including the Cover Page or References page). Be sure to
consult your textbook, and the OWL ( for correct APA style and formatting.
How many sources do I need?
• Your “References” page must contain 5 sources from different publications, at least one chosen by the instructor.
• You will share resources and ideas with students who have the same topic as you.
• Your paper will also include some sort of chart or graphic that adds visual support to your thesis.
When is the paper due?
Genetically Modified Food and Environment Requirements
? You must submit an annotated bibliography to SafeAssignment for each of the first 5 sources you intend to use in your paper.
? No topic or group changes after the first week. You may only change groups or topics with my permission.
My rough thesis is genetically modified food will bad for the environment. (please be specific when write the essay)
Links of 5 Resources that I must use:
NOTE: (just pick one chart from the no.5 link because this is a visual resource)
please follow this outline:
1. Introduction
a). hook
b). background
c). Thesis statement
2. Supporting Idea 1
a) topic sentence for the first reason
b) at least two of the following
i. Expert evidence
ii. Example evidence
iii. Fact evidence
iv. Undocumented evidence
3. Supporting Idea 2
a) topic sentence for the second reason
b) at least two of the following
i. Expert evidence
ii. Example evidence
iii. Fact evidence
iv. Undocumented evidence
4. Supporting Idea 3
a) topic sentence for the third reason
b) at least two of the following
i. Expert evidence
ii. Example evidence
iii. Fact evidence
iv. Undocumented evidence
5. Opposing point(s) of view + refutation
a). topic sentence explaining the opposing point of view
b). evidence,statistics,etc. that might be used to support the opposing point of view
c). Explain why these might be true BUT…
i. Expert evidence
ii. Example evidence
iii. Fact evidence
iv. Undocumented evidence
6. Conclusion
a). restate your thesis and review main argument
b). Conclude with a suggestion, a question for further research, a warning or a relevant and memorable quote