Global Debt and Budget Deficits in Government

Global Debt and Budget Deficits in Government or Economy. You will write a paper on this topic in Economics preferably a solution to this Economic problem in the United States or the global economy.

Global Debt and Budget Deficits in Government
Global Debt and Budget Deficits in Government


The body of the paper (not counting title page or references) must be double spaced and at most 5 pages but not less than 4 pages in length using 12 point font, 1 inch top and bottom margins, and 1-inch side margins. Don’t forget to put the title of your paper and your name on the front page.

You should use at least four sources for your references. Your sources can be a journal, a book, a newspaper articles, or a magazine article.

At least one source MUST be a book. Use the American Psychological

Association (APA) style for writing your paper.


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