Group Consensus Report Assignment

Group Consensus Report
Group Consensus Report

Group Consensus Report

Effective groups create shared assumptions and expectations about behaviors. Click the link above to go to your group’s DB and post your individual thread
containing your own expectations on the following prompts:
1. Describe yourself: In a brief paragraph or two, describe your past experience working in groups (at Liberty of elsewhere). What is your personality type?
What are your pet peeves? How do you react under stress? How would your boss at work describe you?
2. Communication Expectations: Though it is required that group members communicate substantively and weekly, what are your expectations about acceptable response times? How many times per week should each team member check the group Discussion Board? What role will conference calls or online chats play in moving the group forward? For what issues will you use the group Discussion Board, online chats, etc.?
3. Behavioral Expectations: What specific behaviors will lead to successful completion of the project? What behaviors threaten the project’s completion? How do you want others to describe the quality and quantity of your effort? Describe your conflict resolution style.
4.”Flexibility”Expectations: What circumstances are present in your life that might require a request for flexibility? What, precisely, does flexibility mean to you? (Does it mean “understanding” and “patience”? Does it mean “someone help?” Does it mean “don’t hold me to the operating rules of the group if I am having a hard time?” Lastly, if someone encounters a problem (sickness, travel, etc.), when and how
should he/she signal this to the group?
5. Performance Expectations: At what level should individual work be presented to the group? Should all work submitted to the team reflect MBA-level writing or is “draft mode” acceptable? What final grade do you desire on the group project, and what, specifically, are you willing to do to achieve it?
How do you want to be known for the quality of your work?
6. Expectations About Timelines: What does it mean to be timely? For some "being on time" is late, while others believe that being “on
time” is actually early. Is being "on time" early or late? (Keep in mind, being on time means different things to different people!)
7. Final Submission: What are the expectations for the final submission of the group project? Do you want the final submission to be posted earlier than the deadline time, such that you have a final chance to ?approve? the submission? If so, what time do you want that final submission to be? Do you want to have it required that each student submits an ?I approve? reply to the official submission? Some students want to review everything one last time, prior to the official submission. Other students assume that all of the changes have been made, and don?t feel the desire to review everything again prior to the submission. How do you specifically want the final submission to be handled? (Keep in mind that the final submission, including any approval discussion board replies, will need to be completed by 11:59 pm ET on Friday of week 8. So, your deadlines will also need to be on a consistent time zone ? e.g. ET)
8. Conflict Resolution: How will group disagreements be resolved? Will the majority of votes ?count? in the result of a disagreement? How any potential
conflicts will be resolved needs to be discussed up front. This eliminates potential confusion and/or frustration later on.

Answer all questions as prompted and include additional information as needed. Incomplete answers will be evaluated as such. THERE IS NO WORD LIMIT FOR THIS ASSIGNMENT.
Please fit all 8 questions (make sure they’re answer precisely)on the appropriate number of pages.

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