Hard Won Wisdom for Living a Better Life

Hard Won Wisdom for Living a Better Life by Eric Greitens Review the book Resilience: Hard-Won Wisdom for Living a Better Life by Eric Greitens and answer the following questions:

Hard Won Wisdom for Living a Better Life
Hard Won Wisdom for Living a Better Life

What is the purpose of the book? Who do you believe is the author’s intended audience? Why?

  1. How is this book different from previously read books on the same topic?
  2. How is the book relevant to the Marine Corps? What value does this book have for your peers or your unit?
  3. What lessons did you learn from this book, and how do you plan on applying this new knowledge?
  4. How does the book relate to other relevant doctrine or literature?
  5. Is the book accurate, clear, well-organized, timely, and authoritative?
  6. Are the conclusions or summary appropriate, and supported by the content?

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