History of Victimization and Crisis in Chinese Relations Chinese relations with the outside works are informed by a history of victimization and crisis. Would this be an accurate statement? 1. Following the guide of the essay standard structure, see the attached file.
2. Give me a sharp idea and prove that. 3. The essay needs 4000 words, and below 5% (Turnitin test of plagiarism). The government in Beijing claims that China is the long-suffering victim of Western powers, Japan, and other countries. In this narrative, China’s rulers bear hardly any faults. Without any sense of irony, the People’s Republic of China (PRC) repeats its Orwellian twist that China is the “victim” in the South China Sea, though it is the strongest claimant and bullies others to submit to China’s control of areas by using militarized, environmentally-damaging claims to fragile reefs, rocks, islands, and maritime areas within an egregious “nine-dash line.”
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