Hofstedes Four Primary Dimensions of Culture

Hofstedes Four Primary Dimensions of Culture National Cultures. The book discusses Hofstede’s four primary dimensions of culture on page 230-231. Hofstede actually has added a couple of dimensions since then.

Hofstedes Four Primary Dimensions of Culture
Hofstedes Four Primary Dimensions of Culture

Take a look at Hofstede’s website at https://geerthofstede.com/culture-geert-hofstede-gert-jan-hofstede/6d-model-of-national-culture/ Using the maps that Hofstede provides, first compare the U.S. and one other country on all six dimensions. No repeats. Any country can only be used once for this initial analysis. If someone posts a country first, they are the country expert on that country. No one else can use that country. Next, using another student’s analysis compare your country with their country on all six dimensions. Repeats are allowed on this step. Are any of the country profiles surprising to you? Page 2: Single Spaced Comment on 3 students post Student posts are attached

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