How Alcohol Affects Pregnancy Essay Paper

How Alcohol Affects Pregnancy Essay Paper I will like a research paper about how alcohol affects pregnancy. Research paper need to be 5 pages thank you? Offspring of mothers using ethanol during pregnancy are known to suffer from developmental delays and/or a variety of behavioral changes.

How Alcohol Affects Pregnancy Essay Paper
How Alcohol Affects Pregnancy Essay Paper.

Ethanol may affect the developing fetus in a dose-dependent manner. With very high repetitive doses there is a 6–10% chance of the fetus developing the fetal alcoholic syndrome manifested by prenatal and postnatal growth deficiency, specific craniofacial dysmorphic features, mental retardation, behavioral changes and a variety of major anomalies. With lower repetitive doses there is a risk of “alcoholic effects” mainly manifested by slight intellectual impairment, growth disturbances and behavioral changes.

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