How does self-esteem impact risk

How does self-esteem impact risk
How does self-esteem impact risk

How does self-esteem impact risk

Below see the topic areas relevant to your community partner needs.
1. Prepare a literature review of your chosen topic. You are required to have at least four professional peer reviewed journals, plus other sources such as books, government documents etc. The literature review will build the base of your research project. You will be required to write a narrative discussing your literature findings, integrating the material with a critical analysis. [Minimum of 1120 words]
2. Next research what is currently in the mass media pertaining to your topic. This includes television shows, movies, news media-print and television, the slicks i.e. Time Newsweek, Cosmopolitan, teen magazine…. etc. Discuss how your topic is presented in the mass media and how does that depiction align with the academic and peer reviewed material you have gathered. [Minimum 370 words]
3. Apply a theory of criminology to your topic. This can be one theory or a combination of theories. [Minimum of 370]
4. What current local programs, agencies, legislation, and/or policy pertaining to your topic exist? [740words minimum] Discuss how locally your issue is being addressed currently.
5. What national and/or global programs, agencies, legislation, and /or policy pertaining to your topic exist? [740 words minimum] Discuss how your topic is being addressed in areas outside of your local area, what is going on in other states or countries to address the topic you are researching.
6. CRITICALLY IMPORTANT SECTION OF YOUR PAPER!! What do you recommend for further action in regards to your topic? [This should be in the parameters of a program or policy or structural change] Use the theory you chose in section #3 as the support for your recommendation. This section of the paper needs to be well developed and in-depth. [740words] MAKE SURE YOU INCLUDE what the goal of your recommendation is and enumerate the steps to implement it?

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