Human Resources Management
Equality, Diversity & Inclusion Toolkit. This toolkit needs to be represented to cater to students of all ages to identify their preferred learning style.
Please follow the following contents:
- Introduction
1.1 Aim of toolkit
1.2 Reason for the toolkit
1.3 Beneficiaries & stakeholders
- Learning Styles
2.1 Define learning styles
2.2 List and define each learning styles
2.3 Give scenarios of for each
- Challenges among different ethnicities
3.1 Trends shown in how different ethnicities learn
3.2 Case studies – show that these learning styles are effective in these ethnicities
- Findings
4.1 Secondary Research
4.2 Conclusions of what has been discovered
- Recommendations
5.1 How to identify learning styles
5.2 Activities suitable for each learning style
Please contact for any further information.
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