Identify two Accomplishments made by Pedro 1

Identify two Accomplishments made by Pedro 1 Utilize the internet to research Pedro I Identify 2 accomplishments made by Pedro I during his reign;

Identify two Accomplishments made by Pedro 1
Identify two Accomplishments made by Pedro 1

be sure to identify the historical ramifications of these accomplishments. Site all sources consulted.

Pedro I, (born Oct. 12, 1798, Lisbon, Port.—died Sept. 24, 1834, Lisbon), founder of the Brazilian empire and first emperor of Brazil, from Dec. 1, 1822, to April 7, 1831, also reckoned as King Pedro (Peter) IV of Portugal.

Generally known as Dom Pedro, he was the son of King John VI of Portugal. When Napoleon conquered Portugal in 1807, Pedro accompanied the royal family in its flight to Brazil. He remained there as regent when King John returned to Portugal in 1821.

Pedro surrounded himself with ministers who counseled independence.

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