Immigration jurisdiction or community

Immigration jurisdiction or community
  Immigration jurisdiction or community

Immigration jurisdiction or community

In this assignment, identify a problem in your jurisdiction or community. Then, describe the problem and create a succinct problem statement. In your description of the problem:

Describe the dynamics for social change and community improvements that relate to a problem that can be addressed by criminal justice theories.

Describe how a problem in a specific area of criminal justice studies is affecting various cultures and ethnicities in the community.

Describe a problem that can be addressed by criminal justice theories that reflect professional and social ethics and relevant professional standards.

Assignment Requirements

Written communication: Written communication is free of errors that detract from the overall message.

Style and formatting: Be sure to use proper APA style for your in-text citations and references. Also, use proper APA formatting to layout your paper (for example, running headers, double-spaced and indented paragraphs, Times Roman 12-point font, and 1-inch margins). Refer to APA Style and Format for more information.

Number of pages: Your assignment must be a minimum of two pages. This page requirement does not include the title page, list of references, or any appendices you may include.

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