Impaired Compromised Preventing Professional Burnout

Impaired Compromised Preventing Professional Burnout Read the F. Thomas article, “Impaired or Compromised: Plan for the Worst, Hope for the Best“; from Family Therapy Magazine, volume 9, issue 4.

Impaired Compromised Preventing Professional Burnout
Impaired Compromised Preventing Professional Burnout

For this discussion, refer to the readings for this unit and address the following:
Explain your understanding of professional burnout and ambivalence.

Impaired Compromised Preventing Professional Burnout Response Guidelines

What signs would you recognize in yourself that would indicate you may be experiencing these debilitating reactions?
Create a plan you could implement should this occur in your work.
Briefly describe your plan in this discussion.
Response Guidelines
Respond to the posts of at least two of your peers. You are encouraged to ask questions for clarification, respectfully debate points, and present additional information, as applicable. To demonstrate that you have completed your studies for this unit, include at least one relevant reference from the readings. Cite your reference(s) using APA format. Make sure that your responses are also in accordance with any of the established faculty expectations. What signs would you recognize in yourself that would indicate you may be experiencing these debilitating reactions?
Create a plan you could implement should this occur in your work.
Briefly describe your plan in this discussion.
Response Impaired Compromised Preventing Professional Burnout Guidelines
Respond to the posts of at least two of your peers. You are encouraged to ask questions for clarification, respectfully debate points, and present additional information, as applicable. To demonstrate that you have completed your studies for this unit, include at least one relevant reference from the readings. Cite your reference(s) using APA format. Make sure that your responses are also in accordance with any of the established faculty expectations. What signs would you recognize in yourself that would indicate you may be experiencing these debilitating reactions? Impaired Compromised Preventing Professional Burnout
Create a plan you could implement should this occur in your work.
Briefly describe your plan in this discussion.

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