Implication of Ethics in Organizations

Implication of Ethics in Organizations
Implication of Ethics in Organizations

Implication of Ethics in Organizations

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I need an essay in the following subject:

Discuss some implications that ethics may have for organisations beyond just the ‘business’ side. How does a ‘sense of responsibility to others’ affect the decisions that are made by an organisation as a whole as well as the individual leaders within?

1)The answer must raise appropriate critical questions.

2)The answer must include examples from aviation experience or the web with references from relevant examples from real aviation companies. I prefer example from Qatar Airways, Etihad airline, Emirates airline, Al Arabia Airline.

3)Do include all your references, as per the Harvard Referencing System.

4)Please don’t use Wikipedia web site.

5)I need examples from peer reviewed articles or researches.

Appreciate each single moment you spend in writing my paper

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Implication of Ethics in Organizations


Ethics have become one of the most important pillars of organizations in today’s world. In this current century, ethics have neither been considered as an option nor a luxury. The consideration of ethics does not only occur on the business sides but also beyond it (Guliani, 2014). Therefore organization has a role to play to ensure ethical codes and values are being considered for an effective organizational performance. Ethics have been seen to contribute a lot in organization positively but they have also led to negative or poor handling of organizational roles (Guliani, 2014). Many organizations have seized the opportunities to shape the future through influencing culture and the practice of organizational ethics and values. Through creation of value based ethics in organization, their will exist an improved society by influencing the perpetuated conditions outside the organization (Guliani, 2014).


Organization has gone ahead in providing guiding and counselling to youth and the society at large (Reilly, Sirgy & Gorman, 2012). Guiding and counselling sessions are important elements in the growth of an individual hence societies should be educated (Reilly, Sirgy & Gorman, 2012). Organizations has taken these process seriously besides their daily activities as one of the practices to gain reputation and be accepted by the society though their activity they participate in the society. It’s a cultural practice for a society to offer moral guidance to its members, but in the existence of organizational businesses they should step in to build their reputation as they join hands with the youth to educate and more so to offer guidance and counselling on essential issues that are affecting the society (Guliani, 2014). For example the emirate airline company have set out members as part of their employees to offer counselling in colleges in the field of aviation to enlighten the youth what they are being expected of in the future (Reilly, Sirgy & Gorman, 2012).

Infrastructural development is another option businesses have engaged in to assist the society in developing it. Organizations have joined in the society to develop some key projects in the societies as a way of giving back (Phillips, 2006). It is one part of the business practice in establishing a bond between the organization and the society through appreciation. Several developments that organizations go for in the society besides their normal business activities includes building and maintain roads, provision of clean water and also building of houses are some of the developments Emirates airline has engaged in towards contribution to the society (Phillips, 2006). By practising all this, the organization will have a clear consent that the organizations understand their daily issues that are affecting them. Ethics have taught them to give back to the society as appreciation hence they are offering infrastructural development to the community (Phillips, 2006).

The implication that comes with honesty in organization is that good people will always be good hence they will tend to do good things to others (Venkatadurai, Dhyani & Sharma, 2014). Though the virtue of honesty is not an attribute to a clear cut, there are available situations that the practice of honest in organizations may hurt other persons outside. For instance organizations have a role to play in the society to ensure that the society accepts them and approves of their activities (Venkatadurai, Dhyani & Sharma, 2014). They are to come together and join hands in undertaking the duties toward development of the society. Therefore the virtue of being honesty is required at any level as a measure of ethical concerns (Venkatadurai, Dhyani & Sharma, 2014).

Ethics entails that all human beings are equal before the law, hence organization use this to socialize with the society beyond their business activities (Welker & Berardino, 2013). According to ethical law enforcement authorities, it is expected of everyone to ignore all personal biasness in their job performance. And at any other level citizens are expected to ethically follow their duties and obligations accordingly. Confusion will occur once there is contradicting or inconsistent decision making (Welker & Berardino, 2013). Therefore organization besides their focus on business activities they are faced up with another obligation to ensure they stay focus on law as part of ethical consideration (Welker & Berardino, 2013). The implication of law is that whoever goes against it must be convicted and be punished for their crimes they have committed (Joel, 2015). The law is also a measure of the right and wrong activities to be done.

Lastly, leadership takes place utmost all places in the world. It is one of the basic elements that needs clear control over it (Othman and Rahman, 2014). The implication of leadership is that leaders are being selected because they are ethical people and in their duties they are expected to act ethically both in personal and leadership roles (Othman and Rahman, 2014). Leaders normally have influence on their followers hence it will be good for them to have good morals to ensure there follower increase and stick with them (Stephen, 2007). Organizational leaders should join hands with the larger society they are in to provide solutions to conflicting issues that the society are facing (Stephen, 2007). Ethical implications have been viewed as any activity in which the result will essential be viewed as those ethical considerations in mind (Stephen, 2007).

Sense of responsibility

A relatively strong sense of responsibility normally affects how an employee’s works and the amount of work they do (Amelia, 2015). The sense of responsibility in employee’s can be depicted in the essence that when an employee feels they have successfully increased their job performance they tend to show up on work in time (Amelia, 2015). They always put their best efforts and complete given tasks with their best of abilities. Being responsible in any organisation is essential. In the Emirates airline each worker has been given an opportunity to exercise their obligation according to the duties they are given (Amelia, 2015). For example pilots are expected to work together while flying hence they share similar responsibilities in ensuring a safe travel of their clients in board of their flights. Working as an individual involves certain situations that are hard to achieve since there is high level of setbacks comparing to having a partner to work with (Sarina, 2013). As a matter of ethical obligation it will be appropriate to work with an organization compared to individualism in making decision (Sarina, 2013). An organization can contribute towards decision making while as an individual it will not be easy to come up with a decision whose ideas are conflicting.


Amelia J. 2015, “Small Business: 5 Factors That Demonstrate a Strong Work Ethic”, Demand Media. Available from

Guliani, L.K. 2014, “ORGANISATIONAL ETHICS: PARADIGM FOR CORPORATE SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY”, International Journal of Organizational Behaviour & Management Perspectives, vol. 3, no. 3, pp. 1116-1121.

Joel, C. 2015, “What Are Ethical Implications?” ehow. Available at

Othman, Z. & Rahman, R.A. 2014, “ATTRIBUTES OF ETHICAL LEADERSHIP IN LEADING GOOD GOVERNANCE”, International Journal of Business and Society, vol. 15, no. 2, pp. 359-372,377.

Phillips, E.D. 2006, “CORPORATE SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY IN AVIATION”, Journal of Air Transportation, vol. 11, no. 1, pp. 65-87.

Reilly, N. P., Sirgy, M. J., & Gorman, C. A. 2012, Work and quality of life: ethical practices in organizations. Dordrecht, Springer Netherlands.

Sarina, T. 2013, “Is Your Sense of Responsibility Working for You or Against You?” HR Business partner. Available from

Stephen, E. B. 2007, “The role of ethics in 21st century organizations”, Leadership advance online. Available from

Venkatadurai, J., Dhyani, U. & Sharma, M. 2014, “Ethics and morality beyond normative theories”, Asian Journal of Business Ethics, vol. 3, no. 1, pp. 35-39.

Welker, J. & Berardino, L. 2013, “INTEGRATING ETHICAL DECISION MAKING IN MULTIPLE BUSINESS COURSES”, Academy of Educational Leadership Journal, vol. 17, no. 4, pp. 77-93.

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