Implications of Ethical Dilemmas
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Implications of Ethical Dilemmas in Practice
One way of broaching the topic of ethics in professional practice is to focus on particular ethical dilemmas that arise in the research or practice that surrounds management activities themselves. For example, well-known ethical dilemmas exist in the field of human resources, and other dilemmas surround the handling of financial transactions and decisions.
Search the Walden Library for a scholarly or practitioner article in a peer-reviewed journal that deals with an ethical dilemma in a management context. How might you research the dilemma presented in the article? Would you examine causation, interventions, solutions, structural issues, or other aspects? Select one or two aspects of the issue presented, and think about how you might formulate a research-oriented approach that would benefit the larger professional practice.
Begin by presenting a brief overview of the article you found. Next, present the ethical dilemma, followed by your research approach and its potential practice-based benefits.
With these thoughts in mind:
Respond by Day 5 to at least two of your colleagues’ postings, giving priority to those that have fewer than two responses so far. In your responses, be sure to do the following:
•Address the content of each colleague’s analysis and evaluation of the topic, as well as the integration of relevant resources.
•Address the question(s) posed by each colleague for further Discussion.
•Link each colleague’s posting to other colleagues’ postings or to other course materials and concepts, where appropriate and relevant.
•Include proper APA citations.
colleague 1 ( James Simon)
Overview of the Article
The article discusses the release of crude oil by Exxon and BP. The release of crude oil by both companies killed (a) birds, (b) otters, and (c) seals (Kling, Phaneuf, & Zhao, 2012). This destruction forced business leaders to examine the risk of oil usage (Kling et al., 2012). In addition, business leaders must examine the benefits of oil use (Kling et al., 2012).
Ethical Dilemma
One of the ethical dilemmas the oil industry has is truthful reporting (Kling et al., 2012). Employees have to put their reputation on the line to support the corporation. If an incident occurs, these employees are required to tell the truth. The oil industry is a billion dollar industry that produces a public resource (Kling et al., 2012). The money from the oil industry and public use makes the industry hard to shut down by the government. Employees struggle with the idea of telling the truth to support the corporation or risk losing their job (Kling et al., 2012).
Type of Research
I want to conduct a quantitative research for the oil spills of each company. I want to compare Exxon to BP. This comparison will allow me to define a relationship within the oil industry and the public. I want to know how many oil spills for each company for the last ten years. In addition, I want to know what is causing the oil spills. In addition, I will need to determine the benefit of allowing Exxon and BP to conduct business.
Kling, C. L., Phaneuf, D. J., & Zhao, J. (2012). From Exxon to BP: Has some number become better than no number? The Journal of Economic Perspectives, 26(4), 3-26. https://www.doi:10.1257/jep.26.4.3
Colleaque 2 (oladeyo oyo)
Ethical dilemma
This post features two articles dealing with ethical dilemma in the management context. In an article titled Confronting Ethical Dilemmas in the workplace, John Boatright a Professor of Business Ethics at Quinlan School of Business, Loyola University Chicago wrote that business graduates must be prepared for organizational challenges that will inevitably test their values, moral beliefs, and commitment to doing the right thing. In two studies of 30 Harvard University and 1000 Columbia University graduates, some had felt strong organization pressures to do things that they believed were unethical, illegal, had been rewarded for taking some action they considered to be ethically troubling or punished for refusal to act unethically. In short, many had faced the dilemma of acting unethically or doing the right thing. To research ethical dilemma in a particular organization, I would ask open-ended questions in an interview method to examine the types of ethical dilemma present, causation, how prevalent the ethical dilemmas were, structural issues, reward systems and interventions. I would also research the dilemma with survey questionnaires after understanding the ethical dilemma. I would be cognizant of informed consent, the need for privacy and confidentiality when required to protect sources and prevent retaliation.
There exists a dilemma between publishing research quickly, often and undertaking comprehensive research while following the conventions and ethical guidelines. An essay by Xiao-Ping Chen, Professor of Management in the Foster School of Business at the University of Washington and the Editor-in-Chief for Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes features the dilemma faced by authors between maximizing their publication possibilities and being truthful to data, to co-authors, and to editors. It features some ethical problems that authors face in the research and publication process including data reporting, co-authorship, selecting peer reviewers and dealing with review process. Pursuing the truth and the whole truth behind certain phenomenon is the ultimate purpose of scientific endeavor, (Chen, 2011). Two issues of concern are the overuse of the same data set in multiple papers and selection of peer reviewers in an ethical manner. Using the same data set in different papers or partial research results in different papers presents ethical problems. Using peer reviewers is a good strategy but such reviewers are eliminated from the formal review process. Some authors have used only negative reviewer or acknowledging only those who reviewed them negatively to the review committee to increase the probability that a paper receives positive reviews. A more credible research approach would benefit the author and the larger professional practice.
Research approach
My research design would comprise of the mixed methods of qualitative and quantitative inquiry. Qualitative interview methods including open ended questionnaire and quantitative would include solicited responses on mailed questionnaire/survey. Both should present a holistic mix of objective, subjective and inter subjective data (free of bias). The focus of research is to find the truth with fact based data, supported by evidence and ethical governance strictures of honesty, accurate representation of facts, transparency and probity.
There are many ethical issues, which may influence research and affect the findings. Researcher interaction biases affect a variety of methodologies, such as survey or experimental research, not just interview-based research, (Miyazaki & Taylor, 2008). The Institution Review Board IRB, may approve or reject research on grounds of ethics. Lincoln and Tierney (2004), note that IRB have rejected some qualitative research projects for being unscientific and not capable of generalization. Ethics code has the potential to enhance the reputation of management research and the professional status of its members, (Bell & Bryman, 2007). Ethics is integral to every aspect of management research rather than as a consideration in the exception, such as when researching sensitive topics (Lee & Renzetti, 1990). Strong ethical constructs has many implications including the protection of the researcher, subjects, institution/corporation, and the public.
Two key questions to consider are would a research outcome that indicates the hypothesis was wrong a failure also what methods would the researcher use to effectively analyze and synthesize the integration of qualitative interviewing and quantitative data gathering?
Management is responsible for effective internal controls, which includes good ethics training, reinforced with appropriate culture modeled by the leadership. In this context, ethical behavior should be rewarded and unethical practices discouraged and sanctioned. Beyond the ethical standards of many institutions and organization is the responsibility of the individual, the researcher and the author. Ethical values and practices are pivotal to character, reputation, self worth and professional success. An author must be mindful of how the research may affect others also the desired practice-based benefits from the work product. It is not enough to abide by or subscribe to a code of ethics. We should be ethical in all our undertakings and relationships always acting with trustworthiness and integrity.
Bell, E. & Bryman, A. (2007). The ethics of management research: An exploratory content analysis. British Journal of Management, 18(1), 63–77. https://www.doi:10.1111/j.1467- 8551.2006.00487.x
Boatright, J. R. (2013). Confronting Ethical Dilemmas in the workplace. Financial Analysts Journal. 69(5), 6-9.
Chen, X. (2011). Author Ethical Dilemmas in the Research Publication Process. Management & Organization Review 7(3), https://www.doi.10.1111/j.1740-8784.2011.00229.x.
Lee, R. & C. Renzetti (1990). The Problems of Researching Sensitive Topics, American Behavioral Scientist, 33(5), 510–528.
Lincoln, Y. S. & Tierney, W. G. (2004). Qualitative Research and Institutional Review Boards, Qualitative Inquiry, 10(2), 219–234.
Miyazaki, A. D. & Taylor, K. A. (2008). Researcher interaction biases and business ethics research: Respondent reactions to researcher characteristics. Journal of Business Ethics, 81(4), 779–795. https://www.doi.10.1007/s10551-007-9547-5
******* please answer each colleague individually along with 2 references each !!!!!!!
Ethical Dilemmas
The first article discusses the release of the crude oil by BP and axon Valdez which killed sea animals and birds. The two cases are presented by numerous ethical dilemmas. BP and Exxon Valdez left a lot to killing of sea animals, destruction of environment and at the same time, the exploration of the oil is important for the countries in terms of income and resources. Additionally, truthful reporting of the cases has also been hidden since it can lead to the termination of oil exploration and also jeopardize the careers of employees.
The ethical questions addressed by the author in this article are: can people continue to explore the oil yet it jeopardizes animals, environment, and peoples live? The question can be well drawn from the article. This is because the author has given both the beneficial and harmful point of view of the oil exploration (Kimber, and Marilyn 200). As such, the point of ethical dilemma is drawn whether to continue oil exploration or not. The question can be set for further research on whether to stop or continue oil exploration. Therefore, this article has given out a clear picture of ethical dilemma.
According to Luke and Dennis (190) the ethical dilemmas are such condition that creates difficulty on which side to take especially when the potential threats have potential benefits. The author has demonstrated the idea as of ethical dilemmas as described by Luke and Dennis (197) since the source of money from the company makes it hard to stop or close oil exploration. Additionally, the author of this article has given relevant source of information that leads to the information given in the article.
The second article gives a description of two other articles that presented ethical dilemma. The first describes how some acts which were regarded as unethical went ahead to win awards. The second part of the essays talks of the publishing the research quickly without following the comprehensive ethical guidelines.
The first part of the essay clearly presents an ethical dilemma. After winning awards using unethical procedure, students are put in a situation to do unethical activities to win the awards. In this case, the students do not know which side to go: they need the awards and they need not to perform unethical acts. As such it has to determine which way to go. According to Mortari and Deborah (244) the ethical dilemma arises when part of the conscious directs one to something at the same time directs one not to do it. The author of this article clearly demonstrates that and the question to ask is: is it right for one to gain awards through unethical acts? However, the second part of the article, the author does not clearly demonstrate the ethical dilemma. Mortari and Deborah (244) say that the dilemma arises when cannot take side on and decide whether an action is bad or good. However, it is not hard to decide that production of article and research without enough evidence is bad. The comparisons of the two researches are not put in a well manner that demonstrates the ethical dilemma. The author of the article at this point has not clearly demonstrated a dilemma. None the less, the author has used relevant sources that clearly give information about the articles.
Cranenburgh, Katinka, and Daniel Arenas. “Strategic And Moral Dilemmas Of Corporate Philanthropy In Developing Countries: Heineken In Sub-Saharan Africa.” Journal Of Business Ethics 122.3 (2014): 523-536.
Kimber, Megan, and Marilyn Campbell. “Exploring Ethical Dilemmas For Principals Arising From Role Conflict With School Counsellors.” Educational Management Administration & Leadership 42.2 (2014): 207-225
Luke, Melissa, Kristopher M. Goodrich, and Dennis D. Gilbride. “Intercultural Model Of Ethical Decision Making: Addressing Worldview Dilemmas In School Counseling.” Counseling & Values 58.2 (2013): 177-194.
Mortari, Luigina, and Deborah Harcourt. “‘Living’ Ethical Dilemmas For Researchers When Researching With Children.”International Journal Of Early Years Education 20.3 (2012): 234-243.
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