Importance of Emerging Social Media in Marketing You will write one argumentative research essay and also the Self-Evaluation in the end of the essay.

You can use the following sources
1.Patino, Anthony, Dennis A. Pitta and Ralph Quinones. “Social media’s emerging importance in market research.” Journal of Consumer Marketing 29.3 (2016):
233 – 237.
2. Mikami, Amori Yee, et al. “Adolescent Peer Relationships and Behavior Problems Predict Young Adults’ Communication on Social Networking Websites.”
Developmental Psychology 46.1 (2016): 46–56.
3.Livingstone, Sonia. “Taking risky opportunities in youthful content creation: teenagers’ use of social networking sites for intimacy, privacy and self-
expression.” New Media & Society 10.3 (2018): 393-411. Web. 24 October 2017.
4. Kuzma, Joanne. “Empirical Study of Privacy Issues among Social Networking Sites.” Journal of International Commercial Law and Technology 6.2 (2017): 74-
85. Web. 24 October 2017.
5. Li, Jingquan. “Privacy policies for health social networking sites.” Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association 10.11 (2017): 2014-001500.
Web. 24 October 2017.
1. The Introduction: Try to engage the reader’s interest in your topic, possibly by opening with a striking quotation, a vivid image, or an anecdote. Give
background information on your topic, briefly summarize the controversy surrounding the topic, and state your position on it.
2. The Body: Give several good reasons for your position, in order of importance. (Make sure that the reasons you give are different from one another–in
other words, that you are not simply repeating the same idea in different words.) Include evidence in the form of personal experience, testimony of others,
research findings, statistics etc. Please use scholarly sources; use books and articles that are analytical, authoritative, and credible. Do not use
Wikipedia and other sources that are superficial and one-sided. Include paraphrases, summaries, and brief quotations; be sure to give MLA style parenthetical
citations for all borrowed words and ideas. Put all borrowed words in quotes.
Include counterarguments. One way to strengthen your argument and show that you have a deep understanding of the issue you are discussing is to anticipate and address counterarguments or objections. By considering what someone who disagrees with your position might have to say about your argument, you show you have thought things through, and you dispose of some of the reasons your audience might have for not accepting your argument.
Importance of Emerging Social Media in Marketing The Conclusion
You can end by briefly summarizing your argument, emphasizing what you have learned through doing research. You may want to make an
ethical or emotional appeal, encouraging the reader to reconsider his/her thinking on an issue or urging the reader to take some action. Or you can point to
the larger implications of your argument, highlighting the importance of what you have written about.
4. Annotated Bibliography using MLA style citations.
Please use, at least, five scholarly sources; use books and articles that are analytical, authoritative, and credible. Do not use Wikipedia and other sources
that are superficial and one-sided.