Important Leadership Role in Critical Health Care For this assignment, write a paper in which you describe a situation that involves a critical health care or public health issue related to your area of interest.
The situation you describe should be of the scope you might encounter as leader in the near future. It should involve substantive issues that require a resolution. After describing the situation, explain how you would approach and manage the situation as a leader.
Your paper should include the following content. (You may use these bullet points as headings.):
Description of the situation.
Analysis of ethical challenges involved.
Analysis of leadership challenges involved.
Analysis of the implications for patient outcomes and safety.
Important Leadership Role in Critical Health Care Stakeholder Analysis
Leadership approach (theory or style) to address the situation.
How will you share your vision?
What communication or leadership style will you use if others challenged your vision?
How will you make decisions and consider personal and ethical principles you are not willing to violate?
How will you manage your personal beliefs about diversity, inclusion, and generational differences?
Leadership strategy for dealing with the challenge.
How your leadership philosophy informs your strategy.