Industrialization and Immigration 1850 to 1900 Requirements:

- You will need to use at least 8 sources:
- At least two of your sources must be from ABC- CLIO
- At least 6 of your sources must be databases from Británica, Gale, EBSCO, etc…
- You must include a bibliography, number the pages, and use parenthetical citations (Use the MLA 7 format).
- Lengths- The most important requirement is to cover the subject adequately. Your paper should be about 7-10 pages (not including the bibliography). Your paper should be typed and doubled spaced. Your top, bottom, and side margins should be about 1 inch. I will not measure this length but it is always obvious when margins are widened to make up for lack of content in a paper. If you feel that you need to adjust the margins in order to fulfill the length requirement, you have probably not covered your subject adequately. PAGES MUST BE NUMBERED
- – The final paper must be submitted to, providing evidence of lack of plagiarism, in order to get credit for the assignment. (Historical event fully described. Quoted material should be used sparingly, and no more than 2 lines long.) * Paragraphs under 7 sentences * No more than 5-7 quotes