Information or Knowledge Management System

Information or Knowledge Management System There are 3 assignments.
1)The first assignment, there are 17 questions. Please answer them. You don’t need to rewrite questions. Just write down your answer or choice.

Information or Knowledge Management System
Information or Knowledge Management System

2)The second assignment, there are two parts. The first part is to read the case1, then answer the five questions and fulfil the form. The second part is to
read case study 2, then create a 600 words report.
3) The third assignment,there are 4 parts. The 1st part is to answer 10 questions. The 2nd part is multiple choice. They are 7 multiple choices. The 3rd part
is ‘ture or false’ question. Ten ‘true or false’ questions. The 4th part has 3 case studies. Please write each of them around 600 words according case study.

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