Inglorious Basterds Beasts of No Nation

Inglorious Basterds Beasts of No Nation, Saving Private Ryan or Bloody Sunday For this assignment I want you to write a 2-3 page (600-900 words) essay (12p font, 1,5 line spacing etc) about Hunger, Inglorious Basterds, Beasts of No Nation, Saving Private Ryan or Bloody Sunday.

Inglorious Basterds Beasts of No Nation
Inglorious Basterds Beasts of No Nation

The topic itself is fairly open to interpretation which is to say that you can choose your own thesis statement. However, the essay must examine in a critical role how either of those movies deals with conflict. Remember also that it is not enough to either review the film or recite the plot from the film without any analysis.

Remember that if you use material from other sources (lines from the movie, critical sources etc) you must reference them, even if you are using indirect quotes. You will also need to provide a bibliography/works cited section for your references (which does not count towards your page/word count goal).

(pp.83-104). Westport, CT: Greenwood Publishing Group, Inc.

Thrasher, S. P., & Mowbray, C. T. (1995). A Strengths Perspective: An Ethnographic Study of Homeless Women with

Children. Health & Social Work, 20(2), 93-101.

Voss, R. W., Douville, V., Soldier, A. L., & Twiss, G. (1999). Tribal and Shamanic-Based Social Work Practice: A Lakota

Perspective. Social Work, 44(3), 228-241.

Yip, K. S. (2003). A Strengths Perspective in Working with An Adolescent with Dual Diagnosis. Clinical Social Work

Journal, 31(2), 189-203.

Yip, K. S. (2005). A Strengths Perspective in Working with An Adolescent with Depression. Psychiatric Rehabilitation

Journal, 28(4), 362-369.

Weick, A., & Chamberlin, R. (1997). Putting Problems in Their Place: Further Exploration in the Strengths Perspective. In

  1. Saleebey (2nd ed), The Strengths Perspective in Social Work Practice (pp.95-104). New York: Allyn and Bacon.

Weick, A., Rapp, C., Sullivan, W. P., & Kisthardt, W. (1989). A Strengths Perspective for Social Work Practice. Social

Work, 34(4), 350-354.\

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