Internship Report
- At the end of your internship you are required to complete a report about your internship. This is a very important part of your internship because you will be assessed on whether or not you have successfully learned the lessons of work.
- The suggested outline for your Internship Report and Presentation might be:
o Introduction (1/2 page),
o Company profile (1/2 page),
o Job description and work plan (1 page),
o Internship objectives (1 – 2 pages),
o Accomplishments (2 – 4 pages),
o Lessons learnt (1 – 3 pages),
o Conclusion (1 page).
- Please summarize your work experiences rather than re-submitting your Fortnightly Status Reports and complete examples of your work.
- This is a formal report so professional writing standards are required (e.g. grammar and spelling must be correct). The Report must be concise and focused.
- Your Internship Faculty Supervisor will read your Internship Report and compare it to your work plan to see if you achieved what you intended to achieve in your internship.
- Due Date: A week after the end of your internship
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