Interview and Questionnaires Questions

Interview and Questionnaires Questions Order Instructions: Please read the proposal that is attached and then write for me:

Interview and Questionnaires Questions
Interview and Questionnaires Questions

1. 10 questions for the interviews.

2. 20 questions for the questionnaires.

I want to use these questions for my dissertations interviews and spread the questioner to get the results.


Interview and Questionnaires Questions Sample Answers

Interview Questions

Name (Optional):




The number of years worked:

The number of years worked in the current organization:

 In what areas do you offer opportunities for training and development in the organization?


  1. Between internal and external training opportunities, which is preferred by employees and why?


  1. How many employees in your department have had an opportunity for training and development?


  1. What is the procedure for selecting individuals for training?


  1. In your opinion, what impact has training and development had on your employees?


  1. In your opinion, is training and development relevant to the organization’s need and why?


  1. What challenges have you encountered in promoting training and development needs for your staff at the institutional level?


6. What challenges related to employee attitudes affect training and development?



  1. How can the challenges above be addressed to ensure that training and development promote organizational objectives?



  1. What areas of training and development need to be added to the organization’s program to make it more effective?



Interview and Questionnaires Questions – Questionnaire

Name (Optional):




The number of years worked:

A number of years worked in the current organization:


Please answer the following questions

  1. Please fill in the section by ticking on the appropriate box
I have had an opportunity for training and development in the last one year Agree Disagree
I have had an opportunity for training and development at least once since I joined the organization
I am open to more training and development opportunities in future
The procedure used in selecting beneficiaries for training and development is open and fair
I do not understand how employees are selected for training and development
There are training opportunities for new employees


  1. Which kind of training have you received?
On the job training
Job rotation
External training
Programmed instruction


Academic course



  1. Which one do you prefer between internal and external training programs


  1. Explain your preference for the type of training selected above.



  1. Did the training you received have a positive impact on your performance?
Not sure

Please explain your answer below.




  1. How do you think training and development impact the organization’s performance? Please answer based on the following table.


Strongly agree Agree Disagree Strongly disagree
Improved efficiency and productivity
Employees work better in teams
Communication efficiency has improved in the organization
Employee competence and skills have improved
Increased participation in decision making among employees
Staff turnover has reduced
Job rotation is easier
Better conflict resolution has been achieved


  1. What is your opinion on training program evaluation as a means of enhancing the achievement of objectives of the organization?
Highly useful
Slightly useful
Not useful
  1. Does training and development influence motivation among employees in your organization?
Highly useful
Slightly useful
Not useful


  1. Who influences the training and development of employees in your organization?
Human Resource manager
Organization policy
Combination of two factors or more above


  1. Do employees at all levels have a chance for training and development at least once a year?
Not sure


  1. Are training and development opportunities aligned with the organization’s needs
Not sure


  1. Our training and development programs in your organizations sponsored by your employer?
Funded by employer
Partially funded by employer
Funded by employee


  1. Are you satisfied with the organization’s training program?


  1. My supervisor is supportive in identifying opportunities for training and development


  1. What are some of the challenges faced during internal training?



  1. What are some of the challenges faced during external training?



  1. Do you think program evaluation can enhance the effectiveness of training and development programs in your organization?
Not sure


  1. What do you consider the best time for a training program evaluation?
Immediately after
After one week
After one month
Am not sure


  1. Does the organization have a system for establishing the cost-benefit analysis of training conducted?
Not sure


  1. What can be done to improve training and development in your organization?



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