Leadership in the business landscape
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I need an essay in the following subject:
Based on pages 3-6 of Developing a leadership strategy: journal article, what does the author mean when he implies that the future of strategy is leadership? How well does this view align with the need for leadership in today’s business environment? Give reasons for your answer.
On pages 6-7 of Developing a leadership strategy: journal article, the author identifies six strategic leadership tasks. How useful is his framework in defining the kinds of leadership required by modern companies? Give reasons for your answer.
The author of Developing a leadership strategy:journal article (pgs. 23-25) has a very specific view of Talent Sustainability. To what extent do you agree with this view? Give reasons for your answer.
The following conditions must meet in the essay:
1) I want a typical and a quality answer which should have about 1400 words.
2) The answer must raise appropriate critical questions.
3) The answer must include examples from experience or the web with references from relevant examples from real companies.
4) Do include all your references, as per the Harvard Referencing System,
5) Please don’t use Wikipedia web site.
6) I need examples from peer reviewed articles or researches.
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Leadership in the business landscape
Part 1
The business landscape today is very dynamic. Traditionally, only a handful of businesses competed for resources and customers and the business that surpassed the minimum qualifications would be preferred. However, in this information age, both businesses and consumers have an avalanche of information that they sift through in order to make informed decisions. For businesses, success is dependent on how scarce resources are utilized in meeting goals and objectives at the least cost. There are many factors that should be considered. Technology has brought about many opportunities that can augment the strength of a business. However, it has also brought about threats that can magnify weaknesses as well.
In order to guarantee the profitability of a company in future, one must first of all consider the present circumstances and resources. Forecasting for the future is usually dependent on an assessment of the business position and comparing it to the desired position. Within all these, the most important ingredient is leadership. Leaders are responsible for balancing all the disparate elements that make up a business. In the wider context of businesses today, the most important resources are the human resources in which leadership falls.
Traditionally, organizations used to have bureaucratic structures that were informed by scientific management and classical leadership and management theorists. In the present however, organizational success can only be guaranteed by tapping the knowledge, skills and competencies that are possessed by human resources. The most important factor to consider is the amount of knowledge that is contained within a particular business’ workforce (Nonaka & von Krogh, 2009). If the right combination of skills, abilities and competencies is achieved, then a business can be able to capitalize on opportunities arising from within itself. Many organizations today have adopted flatter structures where every employee is given an opportunity to contribute to the overall decision making system. This empowerment is meant to foster creativity and innovation.
Since organizations have many people employed within their ranks and who have differing opinions and ideas about how to capitalize on opportunities in the market, there is need for leadership in order to appraise these ideas and settle on the most viable. The most notable knowledge firms in the world today are those that have had exceptional leaders who saw opportunities and guided them towards their capitalization (Gupta & Sushil, 2004). An example of such leaders is Steve Jobs who was credited for the reversal of fortunes of the Apple brand that was on the brink of collapse. Other charismatic leaders whose visions have driven companies forward include Bill Gates of Microsoft and Paul Allen at Oracle. These leaders were the difference between the success their companies are today and the resounding failures they would be had they not taken the opportunities that propelled them to success.
Part 2
The development of a leadership strategy entails the coalition of a number of different strategic leadership tasks. The overall leadership strategy is similar to a business strategy and requires meticulous planning while considering all the disparate elements (Miller, 1992). The leadership framework depicted in the journal article is sufficient in defining the leadership required in modern organizations on three accounts. First, the framework allows for the consideration and scanning of both the internal and external business environments. Understanding the dynamics of either environment is a first step towards accruing advantages that eventually lead to success. The framework allows for the organization and its leadership to be analyzed as a starting step. This ensures that the needs of the organization are well documented before any plans for leadership are made. Second, the framework allows for the environment in which the organization operates to be analyzed. Both of these actions allow for the organization to determine its position and the speed in which things are moving. This is important in order to predict the future outlook.
The second account is that the framework allows for strategic options to be considered. After analyzing the organization, the environment, the customers, the stakeholders and the competitors, the next logical step is brainstorming options. This entails the application of creativity tools that could help the organization acquire a competitive advantage. Opportunities and threats are also identified in the framework and problem solving mechanisms considered.
The third account is the evaluation of the leadership options chosen. Future leadership should be able to make sure that missed opportunities help the organization in learning (Gamble, Thompson & Strickland, 2010). Modern companies require are constantly evolving meaning that a solid strategy today could be obsolete in the near future. The only means of avoiding this is by constantly evaluating the options that are available to the organization and attempting to identify areas that might benefit from a new perspective. The leadership of the organization is mandated with ensuring that all options are considered at the reevaluation level. The only way of ensuring that the leadership itself is up to scratch is by reevaluating it. The framework allows for this option. If well implemented in an organization it can lead to filling of various roles with people with the right competencies, abilities, skills and talents. Since these leaders may become complacent upon realizing the first successes, the leadership framework would serve to reorient them or replace them with others possessing new ideas and ready to challenge the status quo. The major characteristic of modern organizations is that they are constantly evolving and the framework proposed in the journal ensures that the leadership evolves together with the business.
Part 3
The author illustrates 8 elements that are important for talent sustainability. The first step is attracting the talent. The management must then ensure that the talent is developed and eventually ensure that there is planning for succession. The author argues that the subject of talent is very sensitive and very important to the company for it to be left to human resources managers to manage. He asserts that talent development should be left to CEOs and other top managers. Since modern organizations require competent managers at the top who have a wide array of skills and knowledge to steer their firms into the unknown future, the most obviously place to concentrate the talent available in the organization is at the top (Wright, 2005). The human resource department is usually preoccupied with filling positions in middle management and line employees to have the required focus and time to shape an individual into the mold of a CEO.
There is a lot of emphasis that is placed on competence in the modern organization. Pasmore (2014) argues that competence development and management is individually oriented and static and that insistence on the acquisition of this competence is an information journey that is endless. He cautions that the modern organization should be more focused on organizational learning and team building so that they complement individual abilities and competencies.
The model of talent sustainability has many elements that are helpful for the company. It highlights the most important points that are required not for the daily running of the organization but for identifying opportunities in the business environment and capitalizing on them. One of the elements that exemplify this is the sourcing and recruiting of top talent. The author argues that the most sensible place to start sourcing for the right people is in identifying those that already possess the inclination to do what is required by the organization (Handfield-Jones & Beth, 2001). Many top firms believe that it is important to start by identifying the people who are the right fit for the company. Pasmore (2014) argues that many firms fail in their change endeavors since rather than seek out the talent they require to move the organizations forward, they attempt to effect changes with the leadership they already have. The author argues that some of the best talents in different organizations are bogged down by leadership roles that do not require much talent. The recommendation is that positions like that should be outsourced so that the talent that is attracted to the company is focused on effecting changes and moving the organization forward.
Talent sustainability requires the management of organizational culture to ensure that it is oriented to the goals of the company. Culture, either organizational or leadership, is a major deterrence to development and eventually the success of the organization. There is therefore need for organizations that are serious about orienting their talents to success to ensure that there is a positive organizational and leadership culture. Otherwise, a negative culture will ultimately derail the general organizational focus.
Gamble, A. A., Thompson, Jr., A.J. & Strickland, J. E. (2010) Crafting and executing strategy : the quest for competitive advantage : concepts and cases (17th ed. ed.). Boston: McGraw-Hill/Irwin
Gupta, J. & Sushil, S. (2004) Creating Knowledge Based Organizations. Boston: Idea Group Publishing.
Handfield-Jones, H. & Beth, A. (2001) The War for Talent. Harvard Business Press
Miller, D. (1992) ‘The generic strategy trap’, The Journal of Business Strategy, 13(1), 37-41
Nonaka, I. & von Krogh, G. (2009) ‘Tacit Knowledge and Knowledge Conversion: Controversy and Advancement in Organizational Knowledge Creation Theory’, Organization Science, 20 (3), 635–652
Pasmore, W. (2014) Developing a Leadership Strategy: A Critical Ingredient for Organizational Success. White Paper, Centre for Creative Leadership
Wright, K. (2005) ‘Personal knowledge management: supporting individual knowledge worker performance’, Knowledge Management Research and Practice, 3 (3), 156–165
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