Learning Activity and Drafting an Enthymeme

Learning Activity and Drafting an Enthymeme For this class, you will be using the enthymeme structure to create a problem-solution thesis.

Learning Activity and Drafting an Enthymeme
Learning Activity and Drafting an Enthymeme

Remember from our readings, the enthymeme has three critical components: the claim clause, reason clause, and connector word like because or therefore. Answer the questions below to create your first draft of your problem-solution thesis.

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Identify your topic for a change

Example. A student wants to write about improving academic performance in the San Antonio School District (SAISD).

Issue: Low academic performance in SAISD.

Research Question:

What is causing low performance in SAISD high schools?

Problem Statement: Students in the San Antonio School District high schools are struggling to show mastery and college readiness.

What is an issue that you could write about this term?

Your answer

Write a research question that could help you understand the problem that you would like to solve this term.

Your answer

Create the Reason Clause by Stating the Problem

Write a single sentence that states the problem in clear, specific terms.

Remember, this thesis is subject to revision. You are just giving your best guess right now of the reason.

Your answer

Plan the claim

In this section, you will identify the audience and specific change you want your audience to make.

Audience: the San Antonio Independent School District

Action: Provide electronic tablets for all high school students

Claim statement: The San Antonio Independent School District should provide every high school student with an electronic tablet.

What audience is most equipped to help solve the problem?

Your answer

What concrete action can they take to solve the problem?

Your answer

Establish your claim statement. Use this format: _______ should _______.

Your answer Put the Claim and Reason Together in Enthymeme


Provide the claim and reason to create your thesis. Your claim and reason should both be complete sentences.

The claim should state the audience and action: The San Antonio Independent School District should provide every high school student with an electronic tablet.

The reason should give the best statement of the problem: Students in the San Antonio School

District high schools are struggling to show mastery and college readiness.

Enthymeme: The San Antonio Independent School

District should provide every high school student with an electronic tablet because students in the San Antonio School

District high schools are struggling to show mastery and college readiness.

Revise for clarity: The San Antonio Independent

School District should provide every high school student with an electronic tablet because tablets would encourage more learning outside of the classroom, ensure college readiness, and increase mastery of skills.

Copy the claim of your thesis here add the word because, and then copy your reason.

Your answer

Revise for clarity. How might you reword the thesis to make it easier to understand?

Your answer


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