Legal Issues in Canadian and International Law

Legal Issues in Canadian and International Law Objective:
Students are to write a well-developed essay on a current legal issue (whether it is Canadian or International in nature) of personal interest

Legal Issues in Canadian and International Law
Legal Issues in Canadian and International Law

You will need to take a stance on the issue and convince the reader of the merits of your argument.
The position paper should be 6-8 pages, double spaced, 12/Times New Roman font Success Criteria:

Part 1: Selection of Topic- All students are required to select a topic.

Part 2: Research- The purpose of the research is in order to collect effective and accurate evidence to support your position on the issue in your paper.
Evidence collected must be taken from scholarly and reputable sources.
Part 3: Essay Outline- students must ensure that an outline for their essay is properly planned, a strong thesis is constructed and appropriate evidence is selected to support their argument. Some examples of supportive evidence include quotations from significant historians, documents, politicians, leaders etc.

Part 5: Final Copy- Students are to be typed, 12 font, Times New Roman, Double space, 6-8 pages.

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