Life Experience Literature Research Paper

Life Experience Literature Research Paper Directions: Please choose one of the readings from the Post Midterm Section (Weeks 8-14) of the Required Readings.

Life Experience Literature Research Paper
Life Experience Literature Research Paper

Then, write a 4-5 page (including Bibliography) on why you personally identified with the theme (message), plot (action), and/or character in the excerpt of a particular novel. Since you are connecting the story to your life experience, you may use the first-person singular I and/or 3rd-personal plural we.

Required Reading Choices (Meaning You Might Have To Read Ahead)

ï Native Son

Research Sources

ï I will provide the sources


ï Primary Source (Book Your Writing About (e.g. Native Son, etc.)

ï Book commenting on your primary source (optional-Extra-Credit if used)

ï 1 or 2 websites that talk about the reading (Google or Ebsco Host)

ï 1 or 2 journal articles (JSTOR-TSU Database)

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