Life Skills in the Trade and Parts of Organizations

Life Skills in the Trade and Parts of Organizations Assignment: Life Skills in the Business Environment… Congratulations – you have won a contest that will provide you with funding and resources to start an organization of your very own!

Life Skills in the Trade and Parts of Organizations
Life Skills in the Trade and Parts of Organizations

While this new venture is exciting, you are nervous about the thought of being in charge – you have never managed something of this magnitude before! You do have invaluable personal experience that can help you though.

Choose a type of organization that you would like to start. Now, think about how you run and manage your life on a daily basis and how this compares to running a business – your responsibilities, interactions with others, contributions to society, awareness of worldly events, use of technology, planning ahead to achieve your goals, etc.

Consider the following four factors that businesses and organizations face:


Social environment


Technological changes

Based on your personal life skills, which one factor will you be able to build upon to provide the most opportunities for your organization? Which one factor will be most challenging for you? Explain your answers.

Organization: Will be a Travel Nursing Service

Factor: Competition


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