Live According to Virtue Ethics Essay Paper

Live According to Virtue Ethics Essay Paper Description
A significant virtuous choice: the most significant (i.e. serious, consequential)ethical choice that you made in your attempt to be virtuous.

Live According to Virtue Ethics Essay Paper
Live According to Virtue Ethics Essay Paper

• A problematic situation: a situation in which any of the following might apply: (1)
You could not carry out some virtuous act, or (2) you did something you thought
might be considered virtuous but felt conflicted about it, or (3) you could not figure out what the virtuous thing to do was.
After identifying these two case studies, write an essay about virtue ethics. Follow these instructions:
1. First, write an introduction explaining virtue ethics. Assume that the reader does not know anything about virtue ethics.
2. Next, use your significant virtuous choice as an example to illustrate what is
entailed in living by virtue ethics. Describe what happened in your specific
situation. What virtue(s) was/were relevant in the situation? What might the
relevant excesses and defects of character have been in the situation? How did you decide how a virtuous person would act/behave in the situation?

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