Macro environment and Micro environment
Macro environment (External analysis) and Micro environment (Internal analysis)
Situation Analysis 1. Macro environment (External analysis) 2. Micro environment (Internal analysis) 1. Factors in the Company’s Macro environment (use subheadings). Remember to identify opportunities/threats in: • Demographic forces • Economic forces • Natural forces • Technological forces • Regulatory/Political forces • Cultural/Social forces 2. Factors in the Company’s Micro environment (use subheadings). • Within the company: – Clearly state the objectives of the organization or management team with regard to the opportunity identified, i.e., not just the organization’s overall reason for existing. – Identify strengths/weaknesses in: Management, Finance, Research and Development, Operations (Purchasing, Production/Service Processes, Distribution), Marketing, Human Resources, Information Systems • Outside the company. – Identify opportunities/threats in: Suppliers/Supply Chain, Marketing intermediaries, Competitors, Publics, Customers Discussion should be contained in the body of the report. Tables to summarize all the above information should be contained in the Appendix
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