Major Issues Led To Secession Reflective Essay

Major Issues Led To Secession Reflective Essay As part of the MT Engage requirements for this course, you will be asked to write a reflective essay. This essay will ask you to reflect on what you have learned during the reacting game and to examine what you have learned about secession.

Major Issues Led To Secession Reflective Essay
Major Issues Led To Secession Reflective Essay

What major issues led to secession? Why did unionists oppose secession? Why did cooperationists feel the way they did? Why did those who supported secession feel the way they did? Your essay should include plenty of evidence from the primary sources contained in Kentucky, 1861, but you are not restricted to these sources alone. Feel free to venture to sources outside of these, but this is not required. All sources should be properly cited using the Chicago Manual of Style (this means footnotes, not parenthetical citations). Lastly, I would like a conclusion paragraph that talks about how you feel about your character. In what ways could you relate to your character? In what ways do you disagree with your character? Did your character give you any new perspectives about the past?

Length: 800-1000 words

Double Spaced

12 Point Times New Roman Font

1″ Margins

Citations should follow the Chicago Manual of style

Note: I have my character sheet and also book (Kentucky,1861: Loyalty, State, and Nation) as a reference to attach

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