Man-made fishing reefs in South Carolina
Oral Presentation-Spring, 2019
You are required to make a brief presentation to the class pertaining to an environmentally important issue affecting the coastal regions of the southeast. This presentation will count 100 points, the equivalent of each of your three exams, and your research paper. Your assessment rubric is attached, and this should help you in organizing your presentation.
Only one student will be permitted to present each topic, so this will be determined on a first come basis, and a sign up sheet will be available at each class. There will be no partners or groups for this assignment.
***** Man-made fishing reefs in SC and elsewhere ******
NOTE: There will be no excuses for technical problems related to use of computers for presentation. It is YOUR responsibility to make certain that your Power Point or other documents are fully compatible equipment BEFORE you begin your presentation. You are permitted to preview your presentation using your equipment (jump drive, email, etc) before or after any class period to be sure that images, video streaming, audio, etc are fully functioning
Oral Presentation Format/Grading Rubric
Spring, 2019
Name Date
Presentation dynamics: speaks without reading script, poised, adequate length, appropriate dress (10 points)
Demonstrates knowledge of subject: sites specific related topics, experiments, recent studies and articles related to the subject. Must specifically relate the topic to coastal environments of Southeast US. (30 points)
Makes presentation interesting and engaging: use of visual aides such as Videos, diagrams, photos, journals, PowerPoint presentations, Internet web sites, models, specimens, good use of technology, etc (30 points)
Provided instructor with references (minimum of 4) in correct APA bibliographic format (10 points)
Provided instructor with 10 multiple choice questions with correct answers on the presentation topic to be used for the class final exam. These questions MUST be turned in as a WORD document by the beginning of class on the date of presentation. All multiple choice questions should have five answer choices provided (a, b, c, d, e) and should NOT BE NUMBERED! If your questions are numbered, you will lose 5 points! (20 points)
Total 100 points.
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