Medical bondage: Race, gender & origins of American Gynecology
- Write a 1 page reflection paper of the meeting attended. Reflect on the topics discussed. Identify the type of leadership style used by the speaker (Democratic- speaker was asked questions, received feedbacks etc). Attached 1 leadership style reference.
Topic Medical bondage: Race, gender & origins of American Gynecology
Speaker: Dr Cooper
Topics discussed:
Erasing blackness – Matilda Stamper, Nathan Bozeman’s slave patient.
James Marion Sims “Father of American Gynecology”
J.M.Sims’ slave hospital
Ephraim McDowell “Father of the Ovariotomy”
John Peter Mettauer, pioneer in obstetrical fistula surgery
- Leadership and management Course evaluation.
Discussed what you thought of the leadership class and highlight areas covered (Leadership style, conflict management, conflict resolution, budgeting, decision making, organizational structure, SWOT analysis). Discuss how you may apply some of this content in your nursing career.
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