Motivation to a Multi Generational Workforce

Motivation to a Multi Generational Workforce Order Instructions: Determining methods for leaders to motivate a multi-generational workforce;

Motivation to a Multi Generational Workforce
Motivation to a Multi Generational Workforce

Please complete assignment in alignment with my doctoral thesis topic mention above.

Application 2: Small-Scale Qualitative Research Project—IRB Requirements and Identifying Interviewees

This week you will identify and confirm with two individuals you plan to interview in Week 5. You may choose anyone who could provide information on your general topic, based upon the general problem you have identified in the problem statement. Before you select your interviewees, you must ensure you adhere to the ethical requirements outlined below.

Walden University’s Institutional Review Board (IRB) is responsible for ensuring that all student, staff, and faculty research complies with the university’s ethical standards as well as U.S. federal regulations. Detailed information about the IRB process can be found at the website provided in your Learning Resources this week. The IRB process must be completed before you collect any data, including data from first-person interviews. However, for the purposes of this course, you will not need to complete the full IRB application process for your small-scale qualitative project. Please keep in mind that before you begin any collection of data for your own doctoral study, you will need to obtain approval from the IRB. Please take the time to familiarize yourself with this process.

Your small-scale qualitative research – project for this course has been pre-approved by the IRB with the condition that all student researchers contain their research activities within the “minimal risk” category.

Requirements for “minimal risk” for this assignment include:
1.You may interview adults only, age 18 or older. These must be ” adults who are not mentally, emotionally disabled or prisoners.”
2.You may NOT interview anyone over whom you hold supervisory responsibility.
3.You may NOT give payments, compensation, reimbursement, free services, extra credit or other gifts to participants.
4.You must de-identify the data relating to the participants and the institution where you will collect (if applicable) to minimize risk of inappropriate disclosure of personal information. De-identification consists of removing all direct identifiers, such as names, school names, locations, etc. from the interview transcript. Suggestions include Participant #1, #2, etc. and locations may be addressed by stating, for example, a business located in Jacksonville, Florida.
5.The IRB requirements for this assignment are simplified for course-work purposes. These simplified requirements do not take the place of the IRB process that you must complete for your doctoral study. You will complete a full IRB application and review process in future semesters after your committee and the URR reviewer have approved your doctoral proposal. It is recommended that you review the IRB application in preparation.
6.The IRB process for this assignment has restrictions that will not apply to your future doctoral study. For example, in this simplified, practice assignment, you will not be allowed to interview minors or to conduct group interviews or focus groups. Obviously these restrictions will not apply to your future doctoral research. This is just practice, so we are keeping the IRB requirements simple.
7.After your Instructor approves your selected interviewees, then you may proceed to contact the interviewees. When you are transcribing your interview as part of a future assignment in this course, be sure to delete all identifying information from the transcript. Do not include the interviewee’s name, names of anyone that the interviewee mentions, name of the school or organization where the interviewee works, etc. For example, you would change John Doe, to interviewee #1 and change New York City to a city in the North East.)
8.If you have any questions about the above requirements for this assignment, please contact your Instructor.

Be sure to follow the assignment rubrics.

Submit a brief statement identifying your topic and details the individuals that you will interview in Week 5. Participant information will be kept confidential. Remember to submit an APA formatted paper including a Title page.

Motivation to a Multi Generational Workforce Sample Answer

Summary of Topic of Study and Details on Interview

Over the past years, each and every organization had structures that were put in place to separate generations at a workplace by their ranks and status. Executive managers were older employees by age while the middle managers were considered of middle age levels. The workers who were placed on the front line were generally young by age (Stevens, 2010). However, there has been an enormous change that has seen a revolution in the inclusion of four distinct generations in the workplace. These generations have different approaches and views in an organization.

Today’s workforce is harbored by individuals from four diverse generations with each generational group presenting different values and perspectives within a work environment. In achieving the results and the information required to ascertain and address the research problem, an interview was validated that would help determine these generational differences and to draw an understanding that will be helpful for managers and leaders within an organization to communicate efficiently with these generational cohorts.

In achieving the results of week 3, interviews will be carried out with four individuals who fall under the personality cohorts and whose experiences can add value on my research topic that focuses on multi-generational work teams. In undertaking the interview, there will be an efficient environment that will provide a flexible avenue that will allow the interviewee to openly ramble and go off on tangents, a factor that will lead to the receipt of detailed information and data. The interview will contain specific questions that will enable the interviewee to reply with ease (King, & Marks, 2008). Openness will be important during the interviewing process since it will give insights into the relevant and important information that is needed. In order to achieve this, I will involve my interviewees name in as Mrs. X, and Y and for gender disparity Mrs. W and T. The pre-formed questions in the interview will provide a useful tool that will guide the process of the interview and that will focus on gathering the appropriate information for the research topic.

As detailed in the problem statement, there are considerable values including characteristics, internal and external motivators, and the manner in which communication are carried out among employees. These diversities are resultant from the varieties in genders, economic situations, ethnicities, ages, and education levels, all represented in a work environment (King, & Marks, 2008). These generational personalities share specific birth years and some standard sets of social and historical events and have the capacity to impact a work environment and employee satisfaction.

Due to this factor there has been a general business problem that is identifiable in these generations since many organizations do not have the capacities to distinguish and satisfy the needs of these generational personalities in order to perform efficiently in a workplace. It is important to consider the fact that the interview will provide the information necessary to address the problem statement. Through this, the organizations will be in a position to manage their functions effectively through understanding the drivers and motivators of the generational cohorts. The results of this study will also help an organization to maximize the value systems of its human capital (Martin, & Tulgan, 2006). When a management system has the ability to understand each and every generation within the cohorts holistically, they remain in a position to change their leadership approaches with the aim of initiating better methods of communication that would prosper the organization to a higher level.

Motivation to a Multi Generational Workforce References

Stevens, R. H. (2010). Managing human capital: How to use knowledge management to

transfer knowledge in today‘s multigenerational workforce.  International Business Research, 3 (3), 77 – 83.

King, W. R., & Marks, P. V., Jr. (2008). Motivating knowledge sharing through a knowledge management system. Omega: The International Journal of Management Science, 6 (1), 131 – 146.

Martin, C. A., & Tulgan, B. (2006). Managing the generation mix: From urgency to opportunity (2nd ed.). Amherst, MA: HRD Press

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