Muhammad Ali Pasha the Founder of Modern Egypt

Muhammad Ali Pasha the Founder of Modern Egypt Muhammad Ali Pasha is often considered the founder of modern Egypt despite some of his controversial policies and reforms.

Muhammad Ali Pasha the Founder of Modern Egypt
Muhammad Ali Pasha the Founder of Modern Egypt

How did Muhammad Ali Pasha come to govern Egypt? What were his reforms that made Egypt a formidable or controversial power in the

Answer each question and make an essay between 4.5 to 5 pages, double spaced, and 1-inch margin all around.

Use your own words and use academic words. Muḥammad ʿAlī’s ethnic background is unknown, though he may have been an Albanian and was certainly a Muslim and an Ottoman subject. 

His father, Ibrahim Agha, the commander of a small provincial military force that was maintained by the governor of Kavala, died when Muḥammad ʿAlī was a boy, and he was brought up by the governor.

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